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A1 Motorist Centre


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A1 Motorist Centre(圖1)-速報App

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A1 Motorist Centre(圖2)-速報App

A1 Motorist Centre was first established in 2005. Our aim is to offer the latest technology that the motor industry can offer, combined with good old fashioned value and customer care. We offer you a clean comfortable reception / waiting area with complimentary refreshments, a Wi-Fi internet connection and toilet facilities (including disabled access).

A1 Motorist Centre(圖3)-速報App

From here you have a full view of the workshops so that you can watch as we work. We offer many services, detailed on this site, and our advice is free and impartial. We are members of the Good Garage Scheme, and subscribe to the Motor Industry Codes of Practice. We are also waiting approval from the Trading Standards “Buy with Confidence” Scheme.

A1 Motorist Centre(圖4)-速報App
